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Press and Publications

Spiritual Nudes: Theology and Empathy in Monoprints

By Press and Publications, Virgin Mary, Printmaking, Figures

Her figures, far from the classical ideal of beauty, retain the brokenness of humanity, a brokenness that is both spiritual and physical. At the same time, Paine preserves their dignity and value, arguing that man’s design is not wholly evil. In each of these figures the signs of life and death are evident, like permanent and deep marks that cannot be wiped away.

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Cover of Ruminate Magazine

Sound and Silence

By Press and Publications, Architecture, Art and Faith, Exhibits and Events, PaintingNo Comments

The theme of the winter issue of Ruminate magazine was “Sound and Silence”, and I was pleased that two of my prints and one of my paintings were chosen to as a visual representation of the theme. Sojourners Magazine’s Julie Polter recently said Ruminate has “staked a claim in the publishing borderlands where grit and religious devotion”.

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