I have often gone several years without creating prints, but I always return to it. Reflecting on how I have arrived at this new collection, I now realize that it has taken many years of research and practice to arrive at this point where I am able to create monotypes in my home studio whenever I desire. I spent a lot of time researching how to create a non-toxic, space-saving monotype process. Spurred on by a desire to retreat from oil painting during my pregnancies, I enlisted the help of artist friends to brainstorm.
Spiritual Nudes: Theology and Empathy in Monoprints
By Michelle PainePrintmaking, Press and Publications, Figures, Virgin MaryHer figures, far from the classical ideal of beauty, retain the brokenness of humanity, a brokenness that is both spiritual and physical. At the same time, Paine preserves their dignity and value, arguing that man’s design is not wholly evil. In each of these figures the signs of life and death are evident, like permanent and deep marks that cannot be wiped away.
Intruding Upon the Timeless Includes a Variety of Printmaking Artists
By Michelle PaineFigures, Press and Publications, Art and Faith, Exhibits and Events, PrintmakingNew Edition of Intruding Upon the Timeless The updated edition of Gregory Wolfe’s collections of essays Intruding Upon the Timeless: Meditations on Art, Faith and Mystery includes new essays on…
Advent with Mary: Exhibit at University of Dayton
By Michelle PaineVirgin Mary, Figures, Motherhood and Art-Making, Art and Faith, Exhibits and Events, PrintmakingAdvent with Mary will be on exhibit at the International Marian Research Institute at University of Dayton, Ohio from November 27 – January 5, 2017. It is the first time this…
Michelle Arnold Paine spent three years living and working in Italy a study abroad program, where she steeped herself in the Renaissance masters, the rhythms of the liturgy, and the intimacy and beauty of daily Italian life. After her return from Italy she studied at the SMFA Boston and went on to earn an MFA in Painting from University of New Hampshire. She paints in her home studio outside Toledo, Ohio. LEARN MORE