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Watercolor Play at Danforth Art

By July 23, 2015July 13th, 2016Techniques and Materials, Painting, Teaching
Using Cling Wrap to Create Watercolor Texture

Using Cling Wrap to Create Watercolor Texture

I’ve been having a lot of fun teaching a Beginning Watercolor class at the The School at the Danforth Museum of Art has high quality Adult and Children’s classes and I have been very privileged to teach there for the last couple of years.

Using Cling Wrap to Create Watercolor Texture

Using Cling Wrap to Create Watercolor Texture

Superior research paper help from dedicated writers!

One of the great things about teaching a small group of students (unlike my large classes of 15-18 at Community College), is that I am able to sit down and play with the assignments too.

 Exercises in Creating Texture in Watercolor

Exercises in Creating Texture in Watercolor

One of the first weeks we played with different techniques of creating texture with watercolor, and I really enjoyed manipulating the little squares with salt, spatter technique, cling wrap, alcohol drips and masking fluid. I usually have some kind of agenda when I sit down to paint and very rarely take two hours just to play.

Using Salt to Create Texture in Watercolor

Using Salt to Create Texture in Watercolor

The Danforth Museum has an excellent permanent collection focusing on Boston Expressionism, a group of Expressionist painters in the early and mid-20th century who maintained their focus on painting from observation while the rest of the world was moving into Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and other non-representational movements. David Aronson, Reed Kay, Barbara Swan, Philip Guston, and John Wilson are just a few of the amazing painters who were working in Boston (mainly at Boston University) and who I consider to be my “painting grandparents” because they taught some of my teachers from both undergraduate (Bruce Herman) and graduate school (Grant Drumheller).

Spattering Watercolor with a Brush to Create Texture

Spattering Watercolor with a Brush to Create Texture